Wednesday, May 30, 2012

{It's been awhile...}

Well, I have been so bad at keeping up with the blog!  Bad, bad, bad! I know, but I guess I have a lot of catching up to do.  Since Christmas/New Years we have been dealing a lot with the VA and getting Chase his knee surgery!  It has seemed like a never-ending battle but we are finally scheduled for Chase's cadaver tendon surgery July 5th!  Not only that but he starts school in August to complete his degree in Science!  Lately our lives have been nothing but work and paying bills, most definetly this first year has been tough for us but you either grow together or grow apart and I am so very greatful to always have a shoulder to lean on!  I am still working very hard on my Interior Design business which has been growing like crazy!  I have hired my first employee and now are expanding the building we are in with another company to occupy more employees as well as have our clients come and visit the space!  Very exciting steps in both of our lives and we are excited to see what the future holds for us and our careers!  [Want to check out my company?  SN Design Studio
My company logo!

On top of running a company, Chase getting surgery and starting school we are in the midst of trying to find our first home!  You could not imagine the endless dreams of design I have for my OWN home!  Everyday I work hard to complete other peoples dreams of their homes and offices but finally it will be my turn to design a space for my little family!  Don't worry though I will blog a ton during my designing of our first home and the pieces that are a must have!    If you have a Pinterest you should follow me on there as I start to compile a board just for my home inspiration!  So far finding a home though has been tough!  Chase and I both have such a vivid idea as to what we want in our home and what we don't want!  Although it is starting to look up and we should be in a home no later than February!

One of my I love geometric patterns!

Coming up is Father's Day!  Woohoo, I cannot wait to celebrate with Chase and this year we are making a trip to Colorado to go see our favorite little person!  Miss Capri has been greatly missed as we have not been able to see her since our last January visit!  Now she is 3 years old and so full of energy, as well as some more naughty tricks!  She will be such a delight to see and what a great vacation!  We asked her what she wanted to do when we came to visit and she said she wanted to go to the zoo, so we will probably take her to see her favorite animal which according to our phone conversation last week was an Elephant! 


More to come along with some pictures! 

XOXO Chase & Stephanie Mainville XOXO

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