Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Being a newlywed has been amazing! In today's age you hear of so many negative things regarding marriage and as you are preparing for your own marriage there are always those people you meet or know on the sidelines who have been burned once or twice before or tell you how young you are...they always have to put in their two cents. Which now that we are married (2 months now) the question from every single person has been..."hows married life?" Well married life is amazing everything I thought/hoped it would be! When you marry the person you know you are meant to spend your life with it just all works out, it all feels right.  Love is about compromise, forgiveness and being a supportive partner in life that we all are trying to figure out.  So enough with my lecturing but I had to get that off my chest ;) 

Anyways, onto our lives now! We spend a lot of time working...but thats what pays the bills!  Although we have so much more responsibility and pressures having our home has been the best.  Chase and I were just saying as we were laying in bed the other night...there is just something about having your home and knowing you have your wife/husband at home ending the days with you and waking up next to you.  It is really comforting.  

There has been some trial and error in the cooking Chase is such a picky eater but I am slowly breaking him ;) he ate spaghetti {which he hates red sauce}, some veggies but still refuses cucumbers! Who hates cucumber?!  Anyways, one of my biggest things ill never do again is believe that the "easy chicken" recipe in any cookbook is supposed to taste good!  haha It was the most boring tasting chicken and rice that I couldnt eat it {Chase tried choking it down, what a sweetheart}, needless to say we ordered pizza. I have a great husband though because whether something has turned out amazing or crappy he will eat it and he doesnt complain! Im a lucky wife! 

We are now on the path to creating a better future for our little family.  Chase is getting enrolled into school again to complete his degree and I am working hard along side my mom to get our company working more and more!  We are currently living in an apartment {that I actually love, just not the 3 flights of stairs} and we are trying to save for a house one day that we can start a family in!  Buying a house is a big deal, much bigger we have decided recently than we have ever thought before. There is the bedroom issue, one or two story and what about the area and school districts.  We are not just buying a house for us its for our future family so we are waiting to buy something somewhere that we both like! Personally, I like the cute little neighborhood off of Elliot and Higley {I think thats where?!} they have the white fence look and they arnt all stucco ugly Arizona homes ;) 

Finally, the holidays are coming up and it hit me the other day that this year my partents arn't "Santa" so Chase and I have started deciding on our own traditions and we are each doing eachothers stockings and after some good news today Miss Capri will be here the day after Christmas and so Chase and I are going to do her stocking together and open them together the day after Christmas this year.  Oh, also I am attempting Thanksgiving this year for my Mainville side of the family and I can't wait. Let us pray that nothing burns and everything is perfect! 

Thats all for now...{I type way too much}

Love the Mainvilles

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